Donate to the William Wates Memorial Trust

Help us keep young people away from crime and violence and fulfil their potential

You want to make a donation directly to WWMT?

Then you're in the right place. 

Your donation enables us to give grants to brilliant grassroots charities that engage young people through the mediums of sport, arts and education - children who don't enjoy the advantages in life that perhaps most of us take for granted.

Thank you for helping us to continue this crucial work and to keep Will's memory alive.
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helps to engage young people in positive, life-affirming activities.
introduces young people to a new sport or activity that helps them to develop life skills.
enables inspiring youth workers to guide and support troubled young people.
provides resources that help give young people hope and opportunities.

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Gift Aid Yes, I am a UK taxpayer. Please treat all donations as Gift Aid donations. I understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations in that tax year, it is my responsibility to pay any difference.

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