The Hobby Boys

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Le Loop - supporting the William Wates Memorial Trust

It is that time of year again we are heading back to the mountains in support of the Willaim Wates Memorial Trust.

We are riding Le Loop, which follows the official route of the Tour de France, one week ahead of the professionals .

On Friday 21st June 2024 John, Roger and Jonathan will gather in Florence for the 'Grand Depart'. We will ride the first three days of the Tour route together. Roger rode three days last year, but John has never ridden a hundred miles before. How hard can it be?

Over three days we will ride 635 km and climb over 6000m. On Saturday we will ride  from Florence to Rimini, over the Appenines (206km and 3500m climbing), the second from Rimini to Bologna (200 km and 2000m of climbing) and the third is a "flat" sprinters stage of 235 km from Bologna to Turin, the longest stage in this year's tour.

Following hsi success completing 3 stages last year (the first time since his bone marrow transplant), Jonathan is then planning to return to the Tour a week later to ride four stages into the Pyrenees, finishing with a Monster 200km stage from Loudonveille to Plateau de Beille which climbs 4500m, it is the hardest stage of this year's Tour.

We are raising money for the William Wates Memorial Trust (WWMT). All monies raised go directly to the William Wates Memorial Trust, a fabulous charity whose mission is to help the most disadvantaged young people keep away from a life of crime and violence and fulfil their potential. This is achieved by giving grants to charities that engage young people through the medium of sports, arts and education. The fundraised money is entirely separate from the participation fee - donations do not pay for our Tour

It's been a tough couple of years for charities and particularly for young people. This is a chance to give something back and help support young people who aren't lucky enough to enjoy the advantages in life that most of us take for granted.

Le Loop is no small undertaking. Riding even ONE stage of the Tour de France route is going to hurt!  Roger and Jonathan know what is coming, however John has no idea.....

The five time winner of Tour de France Bernard Hinault once said: “An amateur  should think long and hard before attempting one of these Tour de France stages. Two would probably necessitate visiting a doctor, and three would require a psychiatrist - any more and you should be checking if that person has written a will!”

We have visited  a few doctors, we know some psychiatrists, and Jonathan at least has written a will. 

Please reward our efforts by giving generously.


My Achievements

My Updates


Monday 8th Jul
All done, 6 stages: 1099 km, 13906 m climbed, 31,600 calories burned. Quite hard for an old man. The boys  seemed to find their 3 days easier

Thanks again for your support 

Two days done

Monday 24th Jun
Two days completed. I am heading to Rotterdam for a congress, John and Roger are riding their third day. All good so far. Stage one was very hot and consequently pretty brutal. Stage 2 was easier (apart from the climb to San Luca) mainly due to the overcast weather keeping the temperatures down.  Many thanks for your support WWMT is a fantastic charity. I now have  10 days to recover before tackling the Pyrenees!

Thank you to my Sponsors


Jeff, Phoebe, Annabella, Miranda And Henry Hobby

Good Luck!


Miranda And Duncan Avis

Good luck Team Hobby!! Much love, Miranda and Duncan


Jolyon Hobby

Awesome lads!! With you in spirit and appreciate the pain!! xx


Debs Karmel

In awe of all of you! Well done & hope you have some fun along the way…! Xxxx


Will Mason

Good luck to all! (especially John) It’s all in the mind, and must be genetic so you’ll all be fine!


Lisa Arden

Good luck to you all x


Mark Motion

Youth charities are SOOO important.. .well done guys.....chapeau


Christine Blunden

Good luck x