Mark Pearce

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Le Loop - supporting the William Wates Memorial Trust

Le Loop follows the official route of the Tour de France, one week ahead of the professionals and finishes 21 stages later in Nice (due to the Olympics in Paris).

On Friday 21st June 2024 around 100 riders will gather in Florence for the 'Grand Depart'. Some cycle a few days, some ride further. More will join us over the following 3 weeks of the tour.

Riders tackle one of a selection of "Loops" riding anything from 2 to all 21 stages of the Tour de France route. Every participant commits to raising a minimum amount for the William Wates Memorial Trust (WWMT). The fundraised money is entirely separate from the participation fee - donations do not pay for my Tour

All monies raised go directly to the William Wates Memorial Trust whose mission is to help the most disadvantaged young people keep away from a life of crime and violence and fulfil their potential. This is achieved by giving grants to charities that engage young people through the medium of sports, arts and education.

It's been a tough couple of years for charities and particularly for young people. This is my chance to give something back and help support young people who aren't lucky enough to enjoy the advantages in life that most of us take for granted.

Le Loop is no small undertaking. Riding even ONE stage of the Tour de France route is going to hurt! Please reward my pain by giving generously.


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Le Loop 2024

Monday 1st Apr
This year, as I did in 2022, I'm riding three stages of the Tour de France route, a week ahead of the pros as part of the charity event Le Loop.  Le Loop is the main fund raising event for the William Wates Memorial Trust (The Charity • Le Loop (  Every year participants ride that year's Tour route.  Some ride shorter loops (three stages), some ride for a week or so, and many hardier than me riders do all 21 stages.

The charity raises funds to help provide ways to keep seriously disadvantaged young people away from crime and violence.  

In just 11 weeks from when I type this, I'll be a couple of hours into the third (and for me final) stage of this year's Le Loop, somewhere between Piacenza and Turin.  

The challenge this year is a bit different to when I previously did Le Loop, 2 years ago.  Then, I did the three Alpine stages.  This time, I'm riding the Grand Depart, the first three stages which, as is very often the case are not in France.  This year's Grand Depart starts in Florence, heads East to the Adriatic, then back West to Bologna and Turin.

Whilst I'm doing three stages again, that's 150km more than last time, but 4000m less climbing.  Stage 1 this year is, however, an unusually tough first stage for the Tour, at just over 200km with 3800m of climbing.

I've been training since the start of the year but it feels as if the event is approaching fast, and there's a lot of work to be done to be ready for the first stage (and the 430km of riding over the following two days.  I did 300km over this long weekend and the idea of doing more than twice as much (with far more climbing) in less than 3 months is a bit terrifying.

In the end, though, the event is about the charity, and the young people it helps, so I'm hoping that if you're reading this, you'll be willing to support them by donating - every bit helps.

Thank you to my Sponsors


Mills & Reeve



In awe of your commitment and determination to do this, especially juggling your work commitments and travel. Great cause. Very proud of you ☺️


Michael Whitaker

We’re proud of you big guy!


Cameron Pearce

Very proud of you, dad! Hope those psychotic sessions on the Wattbike pull through


Stuart Pemble

All the best Mark


Mark Pearce


Anthony Muldoon

Go for it Tony


Stuart Craig

Good luck Mark


Philip Way

Excellent cause Mark - go well and safely.


Ellie Milner

Good luck Mark!


Alison R E

Good luck, Mark! Hope you get to enjoy some of the views along the way.


Enno Gerdes

Good luck, Mark!


John Mayhugh


Rhian Vandrill

Go for it Mark !


Alex Newman


Kate Newman

Best of luck Mark with this epic endeavour!


Alison Bull

Enjoy, Mark! Sounds suitably challenging!


Peter Mclintock

Mad bastard!


Kevin Calder

Good luck - sounds tough!


Robin Hiseman

The best of luck again Mark. When I'm struggling towards the end of a 30-miler, I'll think of your effort and stop complaining.



Madness! Hope you make it back in one piece and well done for doing this again for such a great cause!


Alex Woolgar

Good luck, Mark. Great challenge for a great cause! I'm sure you'll smash it given all the hard work in training.


Greg Gibson

Good luck, Mark!


William Downing

Good luck Mark!


Andrew Playle

Hi Mark - sounds amazing but also v tough - enjoy Italy - my favourite country to visit but somewhere I have done little cycling to speak of. Andrew


Stuart Thompson

Keep that cadence up!


Andrew Ray

Go for it Mark!


Rebecca Pallot

Good luck!


James Boon


Steven Holloway

Great effort Mark


Adam Taeger

Good luck!


Mark Bourgeois


James Mccaslin

Good luck Mark - is it weird I’m a little jealous of you doing this?


Eric Hurrell

Good luck Mark


Paul Krivosic

Good luck Mark


Orla O'sullivan

Great work Mark An excellent cause .Gel saddle a must!


David H

Good luck Mark.


Paul Reeves


Dom J

Good on you Mark - best of luck!




Freddie Brock

Good luck with the ride!


Andy Gordon

Good luck Mark!


Richard Plaistowe

Both envious and impressed. All the very best.


Andy Watts

Good luck Mark, tough ride.


Laura L

This sounds like madness - good luck!! May you always have the wind behind you.


Nicky Hanglin

Good luck!


Robert Beveridge


Clare Marshall

Best of luck, Mark. An epic challenge!


Amanda Watson

What an epic challenge. Wishing you the very best of luck!


Daniel Weiand

Good luck- very impressive!


Richard Lloyd

Good luck Mark.


Martin Heardman


Robyn Cutts


Sophie Bj

Good luck!


Ainslie W-s

Wow, what a challenge! Best of luck, Mark - for a fabulous cause.