Alfi Shipp

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Riding the first 3 stages of the Tour de France - supporting the William Wates Memorial Trust

On June 25th next year I’ll be heading to Northern France to join up with Le Loop, which follows the official route of the Tour de France one week ahead of the professionals, to ride the first 3 stages of 2025’s Tour. Beginning in Lille on Saturday and finishing in Dunkirk on Monday, I’ll be covering 575km in distance and roughly 4000m of elevation over the 3 days. 

All money raised will go directly to the William Wates Memorial Trust whose mission is to help the most disadvantaged young people keep away from a life of crime and violence and fulfil their potential. This is achieved by giving grants to charities that engage young people through the medium of sports, arts and education.

Over the last 18 months or so I have taken up road cycling and have put in some decent kilometres and hours in the saddle. However, the Tour stages that I will be taking part in, far surpass anything I have achieved so far and in the 7 months between now and stage 1. I will be putting in many more km's and many more metres of elevation to make sure that I am prepared for the challenge ahead! If you'd like to keep up with my training and preparations for what's ahead you can follow me on Strava (Alfi Shipp) or instagram (@Alfstagram_). 

If you feel like rewarding my pain while supporting a great cause I'd be incredibly grateful for any donations! 

If you'd like to learn more about the charity, you can visit for more info.



Riders tackle one of a selection of "Loops" riding anything from 2 to all 21 stages of the Tour de France route. Every participant commits to raising a minimum amount for the William Wates Memorial Trust (WWMT). The fundraised money is entirely separate from the participation fee - donations do not pay for my Tour. 

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My Updates

February Fun

Friday 28th Feb

An old boss of mine used to often say ‘the old seasons are changing aren’t they?’ And that’s what I leave February thinking to myself, as the sun starts peaking out and temperatures dare to climb into the double digits, the prospect of slightly warmer, sunnier rides (maybe with only 2 pairs of socks??) feels like a genuine possibility on the horizon - and then for the last 5km of your ride the heavens open and you get utterly pissed on. 

Oh well, I’m off to Gran Canaria on Tuesday where the sun is guaranteed, as is the brutal climbing. I leave behind a February full of rewarding training - 800km covered, 3000 valuable if not seismic metres climbed, 8kg dropped & gym sessions leaving me feeling stronger, fitter and lighter than ever before. I’m fully expecting the mountains of Gran Canaria to humble me and leave me completely cracked but I feel as prepared as I possibly could be from the start of the year, and I’m incredibly determined to make it up those climbs fighting. 

Something I haven’t been able to enjoy this month is pizza - diet doesn’t allow it unfortunately - who’d of thought? However, I do work at a pizza restaurant (Scott’s All Day, Cambridge) and as part of my fundraising efforts a special pizza, ‘The Tour’ will be available for the month of March with £1 from each pizza sold being donated to the trust. It will feature a wild garlic butter base, lardons, roasted mushrooms, Comte, chives and crouton. It’s really very delicious, please do come and grab one if you’re nearby! 


Pedalling through the January blues

Thursday 30th Jan

As the year turned the first real phase of  hard work and training for the tour began. A large portion of the difficulty can be attributed to the daunting idea of getting outside and on the bike when the ground is frosted over and the warmth and convenience of an indoor trainer isn’t an option. Through January my main goal has been getting on the bike and just getting some distance done - no particular elevation or speed goals - simply keeping the legs spinning whilst simultaneously building leg strength with a personal trainer nearby. 

The idea of visiting a PT is one that had been on my mind for a while, as I target weight loss, can I build leg strength at the same time, all with the end goal of helping me get up hills that little bit more comfortably. Leaving a session with your legs feeling light and waking up with them feeling heavy is a gratifying feeling, you know that the hard work is building up to something good. 

And what better way to shake off that dull ache in your legs than with a beautiful spin through Cambridgeshire’s frosted fens? As beautiful as the icy grass and frozen lakes may be, the novelty of putting on 3 pairs of socks, followed by cycling shoes, then shoe covers, does eventually wear off - with the thought of a recently booked early spring trip to Gran Canaria planted firmly in the front of the mind. 

But before the 45km, 1800m pilgrimage up Gran Canaria’s famous Pico De Las Nieves can commence, the hard work here must continue - more consistent km’s to be pedalled, more kettlebells to be swung and many more omelettes to be consumed - to make it all possible.

Leaving January behind feeling lighter, stronger and more determined than ever before.


Thank you to my Sponsors


John Smith

Good Luck Alfie, John Sharon & Connor


Amanda Heron

Good for you, Alfi! It will be worth all the aches and pains!🥰


George & Amelia



Allez Alfi!


Joe, Kay, Ezra And Aidan

You’re Mad but we love you x


James Thorne

Good luck Alfi!


Alfi Shipp


Edd Watkinson

Yes lad!


Richard Rose

Good luck!




Jordan Shipp

Pedal well sexy


Fatima Jefa

Vamos Alfi!!!


Felix Harmer