Becky going loopy

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Le Loop - supporting the William Wates Memorial Trust

Yes, I am loopy!

I am riding the Tour De France route, I can't quite believe it either. I don't think there is one person who will support me who has ever seen me on a bike!

At the end of June, just 15 weeks away, I will be taking part in Le Loop which follows the official route of the Tour de France, one week ahead of the professionals.

I have committed to raising £1000 minimum for the William Wates Memorial Trust (WWMT). 

Why I hear you ask? 

The team at William Wates are long-term supporters of Motiv8. Over the years 100's of local young people have benefitted from their support. Young people who really need a caring mentor, a supportive person in their lives, to help them to learn to make positive choices and to find their passions so that they can build resilience and succeed. WWMT support not just Motiv8 but a huge number of organisations who are helping 9 – 19 year olds in their communities across the South.

This is my way of thanking them for everything they do giving grants to organisations who support the most vulnerable and excluded young people.

It's been a tough couple of years for charities and particularly for charities supporting young people who are really struggling. 

Le Loop is no small undertaking. I am riding two stages of the Tour de France route, and it is going to hurt!

Please give generously.

100% of the amount raised goes to WWMT.


My Achievements

My Updates


Monday 20th May

I love a challenge always have, I was incredibly lucky as a young person to have supportive youth workers in my life. This is where my love of challenges began!

They helped me to find my skills as I grew, doing presentations, dealing with pressure, logical thinking and so much more.

Having trusted people to be with made my place in the world much greater. They cared if I came through the door on a Tuesday night to be with my friends. 

I was diagnosed officially at 17 with dyslexia something that could of really held me back but my family and youth work experiences had given me the resilience I needed to push through the challenges. 

Many children and young people need those people in thier lives. Super youth workers, clubs to belong to and safe regular places to be with thier friends, to help them to push through the challenges they face.

This video from BBC Children in Need really nails it - the why I am raising money and always will for young people.

£10 can provide everything needed to help a young person learn to cook an omelette or fill out a CV or even play a game of rounders in the park. 

£60 covers the cost of a one to one mentoring session, which help young people to safely express and explore thier feelings. 

A youth club night for 20 young people now costs £350 to £400. Really well trained regular staff are essential so they know when a young person misses a session and can safely check in with them and to have those important conversations about the things that matter in thier lives. 

The WWMT through Le Loop support so many charities who are providing brilliant youth work for 1000s of young people. 

Thank you to my Sponsors


Niche Coffee Ltd

Best of luck with the momentous challenge you are undertaking! Emily & Martin.


Pete & Bev Stotesbury


David Jenkins

Good luck Becky!! Great achievement



You definitely are insane. This is why we love you! Good luck!!!


Helen Rickards

Becky you are and always have been one amazing determined lady! You’ve got this! Sending you love and strength to the undercarriage xxx


Kevin Davies

You’re amazing - you can do this! 💪🏻


Jez Himsworth

Smash it world champ!


Gem Nichol

Becky, you’re amazing. After all the rowing training to this - such a commitment. Loads of luck and love to you xx


Emma W

Well done you! This will be so much fun and for such a great cause


Clare Ansell

Go Becky, super proud of you!


Trevor Heley

Have a great ride Becky..sounds like a good cause. Trevor


The Lane Family

Good luck you loon.


Mark B

Go for it Becky…and yes you are loopy.


Lin Hayward


Michael J Thornton

Good luck Becky x


Emma Davies

Last time we went cycling was 20 years ago in Margate! Hope you have had some more recent bike adventures before taking this on 😂 go girl!


Annie D

I’ll come to the R & R spa day with you afterwards!!! lol x



Good luck Bec. Such a worthy cause. X


Sarah Goodwin

You are amazing Becky! What an incredible fundraising adventure.


Jonathan Perkins

Go Becky! X


Sara Nicholls

Go Becky! You will smash it!


Bex Galhardi

Go knock 'em dead Becky you absolute inspiration!


Matt Archer

Amazing challenge, good luck!


Mary Okeefe

Good luck , you will be amazing


Joe Weston-mcdowell

Good Luck Becky!


Gemma Grainge



Good luck Becky x


Darren Mills

Good luck 💪


Rachael B

Good luck lovely lady xx




Karen Yeung

Go go go Miss Loopy Becky. Good luck and make sure you get a comfy saddle pad 😉