Jo Lee

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Le Loop - supporting the William Wates Memorial Trust

Le Loop follows the official route of the Tour de France, one week ahead of the professionals and finishes 21 stages later in Nice (due to the Olympics in Paris).

On Friday 21st June 2024 around 100 riders will gather in Florence for the 'Grand Depart'. Some cycle a few days, some ride further. More will join us over the following 3 weeks of the tour.

Riders tackle one of a selection of "Loops" riding anything from 2 to all 21 stages of the Tour de France route. Every participant commits to raising a minimum amount for the William Wates Memorial Trust (WWMT). The fundraised money is entirely separate from the participation fee - donations do not pay for my Tour

All monies raised go directly to the William Wates Memorial Trust whose mission is to help the most disadvantaged young people keep away from a life of crime and violence and fulfil their potential. This is achieved by giving grants to charities that engage young people through the medium of sports, arts and education.

It's been a tough couple of years for charities and particularly for young people. This is my chance to give something back and help support young people who aren't lucky enough to enjoy the advantages in life that most of us take for granted.

Le Loop is no small undertaking. Riding even ONE stage of the Tour de France route is going to hurt! Please reward my pain by giving generously.


My Achievements

Thank you to my Sponsors


Sue Leaman

Go Jo! Wishing you lots of luck and stamina! Have fun and enjoy the ride! Very proud. Lots of love. xx



You go Jo Jo. No obstacles in your way, wishing you bright sunshine days 😘 have a wonderful challenge. Our love, Zoe and Mike


Roger L

Enjoy the ride, Jo, but don't overdo it - it's supposed to be fun. 🤔😉👍


Laura Kitchen

Go go go Sis!!! Good luck, keep hydrated and good luck sitting down once you’re finished! Sending good vibes xxx


Anna Barke

Give it some welly for me xx



Amazing work Jo! So proud of you! Xxx


Jess Raffety

Go smash it Jo Jo! Xx


Amy Dean

Go go Jo Jo!! You will smash it xx


Marianne Rock-perring

Go go Jo Jo!


The Tysoe's

So amazing - knew you would absolutely fly!! Xx


Caroline Sharland

Good luck! You’ll do great. Xx



Fllllllllllllllly my pretty! Or maybe that should be zoom….? Either way - go fast, go hard and have fun.


Olivia Clarkson

Go Jo Jo go!!! We’ll be cheering from on from afar! Brilliant work. Xxx


Natalie Williams


Jo Moxon

What a great cause and an amazing challenge . Good Luck Jo !