Le Loop - supporting the William Wates Memorial Trust
On Friday 21st June 2024 I will be embarking on my greatest cycling challenge yet: the 2024 Tour de France route. While I have done plenty of day-long events, or the odd week of cycling here and there, this promises to be the most physically and mentally gruelling weeks of my life. 3492 km (2170 mi), including 52300 m (172000 ft) of climbing, over 21 stages. Just like the pros, albeit a lot, lot slower.
As I fluctuate between fear, elation, panic and anticipation at what might be in store for me, I ultimately feel lucky that I have a form of escapism like cycling. Sadly, it is something that many cannot afford, in more ways than one. As a firm believer that the most fortunate are indeed literally fortunate, and often more so than they may realise, I consider it a duty to try and spread the result of some of this luck I have been granted.
It's been a tough couple of years for charities and particularly for young people. This is my chance to give something back and help support young people who aren't lucky enough to enjoy the advantages in life that most of us take for granted.
All monies raised go directly to the William Wates Memorial Trust whose mission is to help the most disadvantaged young people keep away from a life of crime and violence and fulfil their potential. This is achieved by giving grants to charities that engage young people through the medium of sports, arts and education.
Thank you to my Sponsors

Denis Cheung

Philip Cheung
Bon courage!

Vanessa Reyes
What an incredible challenge Thomas and a unique opportunity. Wishing you the best of luck from Greg and me

Usha Aryal
One off the bucket list ✅❤️❤️

Frederick Cheung
Go go Thomas!


Richard Cheung

Mark Ho
Go Thomas! I will be thinking of you as you ride the Pyrenees

Terence Cheung
Keep spinning!

Tom… if someone can do this, it is you… bonne chance mon ami… Vinny x

Alex Hartley
This is going to be absolutely huge! Well done for even signing up let alone going through with it. Wishing you good legs and a comfortable saddle!

Johan Espinosa
Vas-y mon gars !!

Paddy & Baba
Good luck Thomas

Alex & Chris
Vas y mon petit marmot!

Adam Shone
You're mad.

Catherine Day
Lunacy. Good luck!

Shravan Sheth
Bloody mental! All the best mate

Charles N

Jamie Measures
Amazing challenge for a great cause! Good luck :)

Sherif Khalifa
What a challenge. Best of luck Tom!

Richard And Anne Y
Bon courage !

Richard Lee

Jenny Y
Good luck!

Sabreen Ahluwalia
Fantastic cause! Well done on being able to make your dream a reality! Good luck!

Andrea Espitia Silva

Mark Reyes
Awesome that you're doing this!


Mary Ann Ho

Viki Cheung
don’t get chafed

Fauzi W
Wow. Great cause Tom and great effort. Wishing you all the best! Good luck!

Joe Bun

Safe riding

Aanya Madhani
Best of luck Tom! Utter madness, but can’t wait to hear all about it!

Dillon Montag
Good luck Tom!

Gareth Richardson

Susannah, Andrew And Alessio
Good luck Thomas!! What an incredible challenge

Chris Augier
Incredible! Best of luck

Courage! et Bravo!

Jonathan Horden
Good luck Tom! Hope you win.

Zara Bhakri
Incred effort - well done :)

Harbans Bhakri
All the luck in the world Thomas

Jonathan Bailey
Yes Tom!

Victoria Reyes
Good Luck!!

This is nuts. Good luck !

What a challenge!!! Good luck and go make all those Zwift sessions count!!!

Congrats Tom! Unbelievable work!

Alice & Alex
Good luck Tom!

Alex A
Allez mon gars!

Rupert Turner

Sam Y
No cross chaining!

Natasha De Heney
Good luck!


Bartosz Kaznowski

Andrejs Zile
Bon courage!

Erika Hiteshi
What a wonderful achievement!

Corentin F
Incredible challenge, good luck!

Andy Joy

Good Luck!

Steve Price
Keep going buddy! Super effort! Make sure to enjoy it along the way (if possible) x

Patrick Batuka

Nikolai Dochev

Ben Hughes
Make sure you get a pic in some TM swag!

Oliver B

Dave How
So jealous of what you are doing and at the same time so not. Great work and well done on the fundraising.

Good luck!

Good luck!

Jairaj Patel

Traian Popa
Good luck!

Warwick & Nichola Mckinnon

Kim Carr


Marie Tagada

Matthew Bouloux
Courage Tom!!!

Alizé P
Good luck and enjoy!!

Benoit Ramananjafy
Bon courage

Alice Chambers
Amazing achievement- wishing you all the luck!!


Madiha Ahmad
Good luck!

Tati Kmita
Good luck mate!

Smash it Tom💪

Elliot Messias
Good luck!

Ariel Yahav

Rob Tyers
Excellent work Tom! I am sure you will love and hate it in equal measure :) Good luck!

Good Luck Tom.

Jake C
I find cycling is a lot easier if you start at the top

Miles Hubbard
Bring home the polka for TM!
